Sunday, December 28, 2008

december 28
what could
be more fun than
writing fifteen of these
at once? apparently, not fixing
my bass.

december 27
first band
practice. righteous
hangovers abound, but
greasy huaraches and decent
songs save.

december 26 ten free whiskey cokes and a pizza to do what i wouldve anyway
i will
judge you for drinks.
i will take this fucking
seriously. you will not re
gret me.

december 25
and on
His birthday, He
created xanax and
rum so holidays would not be
too bad.

december 24
marathon of
house will not be enough,
but it's a quite decent start, u-

december 23
this was
a tuesday, prob
like most other tuesdays.
i might have even enjoyed some

december 22 tiny fat baby hands
bedortha has
now become a real live
baby: fern margaret. happy

december 21
what i
wouldn't give for
a good burrito in
this fucking city. your fatal
flaw, pal.

december 20
your birth's
to christmas has fucked me
up every single year. can't you
change it?

december 19
you could
not have picked a
more hungover day for
me, for your birthday party, but
here am.

december 18 karaoke night.
ace of spades while
high school musical was
actually playing starts my her

december 17
the day
my asthma stopped
controlling me, and i
started controlling my asthma.

december 16
you cut
off my final
presentation. it's like
you already read my eval
to you.

december 15
week. in grad school?
like doesn't my paying
for this ensure my A? no? oh,
god damn.

december 14 tiny cupcakes too, but i'm over it.
ah, sweet
lousy with poor handmades
and all the feathered headbands i
could want.

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