Tuesday, September 30, 2008

monday, tuesday september 29, 30 ode to the rat in my room.
max re
gains position
in cupcake industry.
i accidentally acquire
job in

slash flea market
industry. celebrate?
no. get a little stoned and fear
the rat.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

ode to salvatore bk

how i love you.
let me count your ways: salt,
jam, ricotta, and prosciutto.
fuck me.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

september 27 on overnights in nj
i am
a twenty three
year old grown ass adult
woman, yet i still bring my laun
dry home.

september 26 yeeeeeesh.
i know
we haven't boned
in like, three years about,
but that face you make brings it all
right back.

september 25 on college health centers
it is
so easy to
get drugs, even in spite
of my classic drug seeking be

september 24 weird.
"oh, him?
that's prof. berry.
he's the editor for
library journal and collects

september 23
the middle aged
women also hate this
class is so validating. vin

september 22
hey! where
did my best friend
go? give her god damn back,
providence, or we got some god
damn beef.

september 21 on seven dollars an ounce
head hurt.
hungover, again.
there is but one cure, in
all of new york city: it's rice

september 20
blank dogs!
the exact let
down i knew it would be.
the intelligence rages on
and on.

september 19
empire state
building at three am
a bad idea of empire

september 18
i watched
your baseball game.
that does not mean in a
million years that i understood,
liked it.

september 17
this was
over a week
ago. i have no clue
what i did this day. apolo
gies, friends.

september 16
thank god
that tv is
back for the season. give
me house, or give me...svu,
i guess.

september 15
Novem​ber 13, 1980 – Septe​mber 15, 2008

Willy​ Grave​s moved​ on from this world​ early​ Monda​y morni​ng.​ He died at his home in Seatt​le,​ WA, where​ he has lived​ for nearl​y a year since​ movin​g from San Diego​,​ CA. He spent​ the major​ity of his life there​,​ befor​e movin​g to the Pacif​ic North​west to be close​r to his frien​ds.​
Willy​ is survi​ved by his mothe​r Delin​ of Eurek​a,​ CA and fathe​r Leon of San Diego​,​ CA. He is also survi​ved by his broth​er Cody,​ his siste​r Cheye​nne and his young​ niece​,​ Chloe​.​ There​ is a large​ and wides​pread​ commu​nity of Willy​'​s frien​ds all over the country and the world​ who will conti​nue to honor​ the memor​y of his twent​y-​seven​ years​ with us forev​er.​
Willy​'s great​est joy and passi​on in life was music​.​ He was a very talen​ted music​ian and write​r,​ and will be great​ly misse​d by those​ who spent​ time with him over the years​ writing music​ toget​her,​ playi​ng shows​ and touri​ng the world​.​ He loved​ to trave​l with his vario​us bands​,​ most notab​ly The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffe​l Tower​.​ He was parti​cular​ly fond of Berli​n and Londo​n.​
Willy​ will be remem​bered​ for his sense​ of humor​,​ his gener​osity​ and his abili​ty to build​ great​ commu​nitie​s aroun​d him. Peopl​e gravi​tated​ towar​d him. We will miss his presence very much,​ but he is at peace​ now. We bless​ his passa​ge and hope his journey is brigh​t and beaut​iful.​

Sunday, September 14, 2008

september 14 on sundays
by 9am
if post secret
is already read, then
the rest of my day unfurls so

september 13 on lunch at swich
if you
have lemons, make
lemonade, but if you
have bananas too, throw those fuck
ers in.

september 12 an open letter to my dad
i could not will
myself to care about
cell phone pictures of baltimore

september 11 oh, art schoolers.
on jake's
suggestion of
what to do for the first
9/11 tribute: pizza

september 10
the best
worst time for the
seaside boardwalk is right
now when it's all but empty, save

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

september 9 and 8
on my unrequited desire to Be Involved. also, why i like reality tv.

this is
without a doubt
not my business, BUT! just
adding or subtracting words
here and
there may
follow the hard
letter of the law, but
certainly defies the spirit,

september 7 on free peanut butter and company coupons.
i will
miss class. i will
ride the subway, all day.
i will do anything for free

september 6
the cyclone, yet
again, breaks my back and
my self preservation. how scared
i am.

september 5
that thai
food was more than
okay for bushwick, but
i would've sent it back any
where else.

september 4 hello, max.
to new york. i
hope you like pizza. and
i hope the cat likes you, 'cause i
choose him.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

september 3 on what gives?
so far
what perplexes
me about grad school is
the profs are so old, yet email

september 2 on walking back from the train at night after being kept late in class
just because YOU
have the luxury of
driving home, does NOT make my 'hood

Monday, September 1, 2008

a list
of national
parks i could not care less
about: yosemite, san juan,
cape cod, bering
land bridge, lincoln's birthplace,
mount rainer and motor cities,