Saturday, August 30, 2008

august 29,30 on not wanting to work in the field i'm going to school for
i dropped
a class so i
could waitress at that cute
diner in the 'burg, but then i
soiled your
dreams of
living in my
house. now i have to be
'relevant' in part-time career

Thursday, August 28, 2008

august 28 on bearcats
how did you get
so cute? how did you know
you were the perfect animal?
kiss me!

august 27 on orientation
if this
indicates how
boring the next two years
will be, then i am in over
my head.

august 26 seriously, i asked for spinach.
how did
you get chicken
and spinach confused? i
suffer along with my failure

Monday, August 25, 2008

on nervous aspirations

the one
and only thing
i want to do is smoke
cigarettes. probably because i
look cool.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

on taunting

the worst
constant in my
life is roller derby:
this is a non issue for all
short girls.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

it would've been weird.

i was
close to giving
you back that hoodie i
made you three years ago, but i

Friday, August 22, 2008

august 22
overwhelms me!
ER is in its last
season. my prison sentence will
end soon.

august 21
now that
that's done, do i
even have to start the rest of
my to-do list? "get a burri-
to: check."

august 20
on this
momentous day,
we signed a year lease on
the twenty first apartment
in our queue.

august 19
takes time daily.
it takes twenty minutes
once a year for cavities to
be filled.

august 18 on lying about hardwood floors
oh my
god i am so
fucking exhausted by
this apartment hunt and i blame

august 17 on notches in the ear
so the
chumbler has been
"altered" already. how
was i supposed to know your sec
ret codes?

august 16
i'm much
better alone
than i thought i would be.
probably the inclusion of piz
za helps.

Friday, August 15, 2008

august 16
album: "now i've
seen everything." first song?
"vivian girls open for son
ic youth."

august 15
baby wearing
a homemade giraffe shirt:
an auspicious omen today

august 14 an open letter to the dental hygienist
i will
not submit to
forcible flossing. em-
barrasment will get you nowhere,

august 13 on accepting defeat
the main
thing with places
that aren't that bad is that
they just are not that bad. long live

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

august 12 on my parents forever keeping me on lockdown.
i would
love to go see
apartments, but you took
my car apart on purpose so
there's that.

august 11
once, you
said that i had
fertility goddess
hips, which r. crumb said first, but it
was nice.

august 10 repititious parental blabbler
i am
losing my god
damned mind here. i dont care
about your friends, or your day. get
me out.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

get me
the fuck out of
the suburbs. already
i grow weary of the strip malls
and trees.

Friday, August 8, 2008

august 8 on spotty internet on the interstate
the one
single thing worse
than watching family
guy is updating two weeks of
this thing.

august 7 on waning zeal
does not excite
me the way it once did;
still, i'm glad to know one piece don't

august 6 on small town repairmen and brushes with death
'no brakes!'
is just the worst
realization to come
to while doing 80 on the

august 5 on road signs
this one
really took me
a while. in fact, your stance
on sodomy, while personal,

august 4 because writing poems about singing to my cat just isnt quoting rushmore enough
i ain't
even here, sar
geant. i'm in cheyenne, wy
oming. let's rock, esposito!

august 3 on vh1 redemption songs
'i love money'
with you cancels out that
time i found out you boned my ex

august 2
condition i
phone lasts less than a day
in my hands before it is scratched
to hell.

august 1 an open letter to justin
i'm not made for
mornings either. we're on
par. but if you pee in a cup,
toss it.

july 31
and the ergs rock
so hard this night. i wish
two beers didn't my memory

july 30
every six months
will never help ease my
deep fear and and loathsome prejudice
to pack.

july 29 on taking the first check that walks in the door
i'm sorry about
what you're about to en-
dure, but i really needed my
sec. dep.